Balanced l Trusted l Solutions

Balanced | Trusted | Solutions

We specialize in providing auto retailers with expert guidance on all Market Representation issues.



We understand the Manufacturer and can assist the Retailer in navigating that relationship by working seamlessly and collaboratively for the best possible outcome.


Acquisition/Sales Strategy

Bring together buyers and sellers in a cost-effective and highly confidential manner.

OEM Relationship Support

Provide expert opinion on managing the OEM / Retailer relationship.

Facility Planning

Support the Retailer in the execution of Corporate Identification requirements.


The manufacturer’s true objectives are not always apparent. We understand how OEM’s think and can deliver beneficial outcomes.

Market Representation

Offer expert opinion on a variety of Manufacturer issues including relocations, adjacent dealer actions, future add-points.

Conflict Management

Facilitate a speedy (and less costly) resolution when conflict with the Manufacturer occurs.

Distribution Matters

The vehicle allocation portion of the OEM/Retailer relationship is often tested, and can quickly become a point of conflict. Our previous experience can provide keen insights should an issue arise.

next generation counseling

Educate the next generation on managing the Manufacturer/Retailer relationship.

Other Network Support

Available to assist in a variety of other ways including: Operations, profit strategies, long-term strategic planning, customer experience, advertising efficiency, multicultural advertising, ad associations, first filter vendor screening, talent acquisition and assessment.